viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010

Sensory Experiment

Smells and Flavours

Nowadays chefs go to great lengths to be more creative and traditional concepts are fast changing in the world of cooking.

There are many chefs we could name but one place has a different approach and even wants us to test our senses. This is the Fat Duck! They have an interesting ways, for anyone who is adventurous,to have a go for themselves....what will you perceive??

The only answer to that is test your our good are they....what will you learn from this experience? Is it what you expected? Did you capture the essence of the experiment? Will it affect how you perceive food from now on?

Why don´t you have a go and don´t forget to take a good look at the whole´ll enjoy it.

Have a nice weekend! ^_^

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010


'Waste not want not'

This is an old English says which refers to not wasting resources, the proof of the pudding is that nowadays most parts of the world try to recycle waste products like paper; plastic; cardboard;styrofoam; aluminium cans, steel cans, waste metals, glass bottles and jars; used oils; paint and biodegradable waste products from the kitchen and garden.
These are just a few things that we can all make a personal effort in keep our planet might say to yourself...'What I do won´t make a difference' but if we all said that we´d be buried under our own rubbish! The thing is we all love to walk down a clean street, we love going to parks with our families, we even travel to far of places to relax and enjoy but imagine all of these places covered in our household rubbish...!

We all have the responsibility to keep our planet clean not only for ourselves but for future generations.

So the question is a personal one.... What do I do to waste less and to recycle more?