martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

Tasty Cuisine? Curry...

Contrary to popular belief, the modern British now consume more garlic per head than the French or the Spaniards, in spite of the fact that Vicky Beckham says ``Spain smells like garlic´´.

Joking apart, at least in my opinion it's quite clear than British cuisine has been unfairly vilified, and it is absolutely clear that has absorbed the cultural influence of those that have settled in the UK, producing a very rich wide range of hybrid dishes from very different origins.

Probably the most notorious influence comes from India, so I would like to write an Indian recipe that a friend of mine (from London) gave me years ago when I was in London, and I prepare it now and then. It has nothing, it's really easy and tastes nice.

Curried Rice with Prawns:

* Time: 25 min
* Difficulty: minimum (even I can do it myself)
* nº people: 4

- a bit of butter/ or olive oil
- 500 g rice
- 1/2 L of stock
- 2 little onions
- 1 tea spoon of curry powder
- 300 g of frozen prawns
- 2 golden apples
- 250 ml liquid cream
- salt

How to prepare it:
Chop the little onions up and fry them lightly; peel the apples and cut them into little cubes about one centimetre. After that, add them to the lightly fried onions, let it cook two minutes and add the tea spoon of curry powder. Put the stock in the pan and when the mixture strats boiling and the rice, the prawns and salt at taste (not too much, you can always adjust the seasonig if necessary). If you fancy can add some peas, they fit well in this dish. Let it boil for four minutes and then add the cream.
Finishing: After the cream let it boiling some minutes, try the salt again, and put a bit of chopped parsley. It's OK, serve in soup dishes.

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