martes, 19 de enero de 2010

Curiosity lead to Treasure

Most people think that everything is invented, found, discovered and exhibited in a museum somewhere. Although there are thousands of wonderous things to be seen; there still seems to be a lot that is undiscovered.

Last year Terry Herbert found a fantastic hoard of artefacts in a south Staffordshire field when he was metal detecting (Curiosity didn't kill the cat this time, ha, ha, ha). ^ _ ^

It has been estimated that the finds date right back to 600 - 700 A.D. Once the archaeological excavation started they found Sword fittings, helmets, Christian crosses, and precious gems. There are jewels with filigree work and animals interlaced into the work. Astonishing when you think how old they are.

If you want to see them for real the British Museum is currently showing the Staffordshire Hoard.

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