jueves, 7 de enero de 2010

Yorkshire Terrier

Hi friends. Here in S&R we are very fond of dogs, so today we are going to tell you about one of the most well-known dog breeds all around the world as a companion dog, and nowadays the most popular breed in the UK according to a list published last year for The Guardian.

Obviously, as its name indicates, it comes from the county of Yorkshire. Reportedly, the first Yorkshire Terrier was called Huddersfield Ben, and its breader was a very keen dogs man called Mr. Eastwood from Bradford in west Yorkshire, England. Huddersfield Ben was the result of the crossbreeding of a mother and her son, and it is considered the pilar of the modern Yorkshire. But his ancestors, were dogs who ranged weights from 6 to 8 or 9 kilos, and do you know what they were for? They were used to hunt rats. Disgusting?? Maybe, but necessary at those big country houses. H. Ben was born in 1865 and died in 1871, a short life for a pioneer.

Yorkshire Terrier is the product of combinig Scottish and English Terriers that was made up when a big part of Scottish population moved to England because of the Industrial revolution. Amongst the breeds that created the current Yorkshire terrier were the Waterside terrier, Clydesdale Terrier, or Paisley Terrier. The influence from Scottland comes from the Scottish Terrier, the West Highland White Terrier, The Maltese, Cairn Terrier, and Skye Terrier.
We hope you will enjoy its company. Cheers.

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